SSL Rule Order

In general, order your rules with specific conditions (such as IP addresses and networks) before rules with general conditions (such as applications).

Allow Traffic from Certificate Pinned Sites

Some applications use a technique referred to as TLS/SSL pinning or certificate pinning, which embeds the fingerprint of the original server certificate in the application itself. As a result, if you configured a decryption rule with a Decrypt - Resign action, when the application receives a resigned certificate from a managed device, validation fails and the connection is aborted.

To confirm that TLS/SSL pinning is occurring, attempt to log in to a mobile application like Facebook. If a network connection error is displayed, log in using a web browser. (For example, you cannot log in to a Facebook mobile application but can log in to Facebook using Safari or Chrome.) You can use Firepower Management Center connection events as further proof of TLS/SSL pinning


TLS/SSL pinning is not limited to mobile applications.

To allow this traffic, configure an SSL rule with the Do Not Decrypt action to match the server certificate common name or distinguished name. In the SSL policy, order this rule before all Decrypt - Resign rules that also match the traffic. You can retrieve the pinned certificate from the client's browser after a successful connection to the website. You can also view the certificate from the logged connection event, regardless of whether the connection succeeded or failed.

Prioritize ClientHello Modifications

To prioritize ClientHello modifications, place rules that match on conditions that are available in the ClientHello message before rules that match on ServerHello or server Certificate conditions.

When a managed device processes an SSL handshake, it can modify the ClientHello message to increase the likelihood of decryption. For example, it may remove compression methods because the system cannot decrypt compressed sessions.

The system modifies ClientHello messages only if it can conclusively match them to an SSL rule with either a Decrypt - Resign or Decrypt - Known Key action. The first time the system detects an encrypted session to a new server, server Certificate data is not available for ClientHello processing, which can result in an undecrypted first session. For subsequent connections from the same client, the system can match the ClientHello message conclusively to rules with server Certificate conditions and process the message to maximize decryption potential.

If you place rules that match on ServerHello or server Certificate conditions (certificate, distinguished names, certificate status, cipher suites, version) before rules that match on ClientHello conditions (zones, networks, VLAN tags, ports, users, applications, URL categories), you can preempt ClientHello modification and increase the number of undecrypted sessions.

Situation Where SSL Policy is Bypassed

The SSL policy is bypassed for any connections that match access control rules with actions of Trust, Block, or Block with reset if those rules:

  • Use security zone, network, geolocation, and port only as the traffic matching criteria.

  • Precede other rules that require inspection, such as rules that match connections based on application or URL, or allow rules that apply intrusion or file inspection.