TLS/SSL Decrypt - Known Key Guidelines

When you configure the Decrypt - Known Key action, you can associate one or more server certificates and paired private keys with the action. If traffic matches the rule, and the certificate used to encrypt the traffic matches the certificate associated with the action, the system uses the appropriate private key to obtain the session encryption and decryption keys. Because you must have access to the private key, this action is best suited to decrypt traffic incoming to servers your organization controls.

Also note the following:

Anonymous cipher suite unsupported

By nature, anonymous cipher suites are not used for authentication and do not use key exchanges. There are limited uses for anonymous cipher suites; for more information, see RFC 5246, appendix F.1.1.1. (Replaced for TLS 1.3 by RFC 8446 appendix C.5.)

You cannot use the Decrypt - Resign or Decrypt - Known Key action in the rule because anonymous cipher suites are not used for authentication.

Cannot match on Distinguished Name or Certificate

You cannot match on Distinguished Name or Certificate rule conditions when creating a decryption rule with a Decrypt - Known Key action. The assumption is that if this rule matches traffic, the certificate, subject DN, and issuer DN already match the certificate associated with the rule.

Do not use Version or Cipher Suite rule conditions

Never use either Cipher Suite or Version rule conditions in a rule with a Decrypt - Resign or Decrypt - Known Key rule action. The use of these conditions in rules with other rule actions can interfere with the system's ClientHello processing, resulting in unpredictable performance.

Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) certificate results in blocked traffic
(TLS 1.3 decryption enabled only.) If you use an ECDSA certificate with a Decrypt - Known Key rule action, matching traffic will be blocked. To avoid this, use a certificate with another type of certificate.