Filter Threat Intelligence Director Data in Table Views


Step 1

Choose one of the following threat intelligence director table views:

  • Integration > Intelligence > Incidents

  • Integration > Intelligence > Sources

  • Integration > Intelligence > Sources > Indicators

  • Integration > Intelligence > Sources > Observables

Step 2

Click Filter (filter icon) and choose a filter attribute.

Step 3

Choose or enter a value for that filter attribute.

Filters are case-sensitive.

Step 4

(Optional) To filter by multiple attributes, click Filter (filter icon) and repeat Step 2 and Step 3.

Step 5

To cancel the changes you have made since you last applied the filter, click Cancel.

Step 6

Click Apply to refresh the table with the filter applied.

Step 7

To remove a filter attribute individually, click Remove (remove icon) next to the filter attribute and click Apply to refresh the table.