Cisco AI Assistant Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


What is the Cisco AI Assistant?


The Cisco AI Assistant is an application that answers questions about existing configurations on your Secure Firewall Threat Defense device and how to manage those devices in the Firewall Management Center (FMC) and cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center.


What can the AI Assistant help you with?


  • The AI Assistant answers questions about how to configure your Secure Firewall Threat Defense devices.

  • The AI Assistant answers questions about how to configure access control and other security policies.

  • The AI Assistant simplifies the configuration for a quicker, easier policy rule building.

  • The AI Assistant helps diagnose and troubleshoot firewall-related issues.


How do you access the AI Assistant?


The AI Assistant is integrated with CDO Firewall Management Center and cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center. To access the AI Assistant click the AI Assistant button ( ) on the CDO or cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center home page.


What do I do if a response is wrong?


Click the feedback option to report incorrect information.


How do I ask the AI Assistant a question?


Click the AI Assistant button (AI Assistant button) on CDO or cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center home page and type your question text box.


What subjects can I ask about?


You can ask the AI Assistant about your configured firewall devices, policies, and settings; and ask questions about how to configure your firewall.


Is the Cisco AI Assistant Secure?


Yes. The Cisco AI Assistant implemented on your CDO tenant only has access to the information and security policies on your tenant and your cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center, if you have implemented that feature. The AI Assistant cannot “learn” about policies on other CDO tenants and so, can’t answer questions about other CDO tenants or integrate information from them.


What is Cisco's data privacy policy?


This is Cisco's Online Privacy Statement in the Cisco's Trust Center.


Can I use the AI Assistant to create rules?


Yes, you can use the AI Assistant to create rules. The AI Assistant provides a user-friendly interface with simple prompts that guide you through the rule creation process. It ensures accuracy and efficiency, allowing you to seamlessly integrate and manage policy rules within your workflow.


What types of rules are supported by the AI Assistant?


Currently, the AI Assistant supports the Access Control Policy Rules. You can create rule to Allow, block , BLOCK_RESET. Administrators can request specific details about Access Rule policies for their tenant.


The AI Assistant is unable to create a rule, how do I fix this?


The AI Assistantis unable to create a policy rule:
  • Object not found: If the AI Assistant cannot find the specified object name within the tenant, it will prompt the admin to verify the object name and try again. We recommend providing the assistant with an updated prompt that includes the correct object name.

  • Incomplete Request: The AI Assistant requires complete and accurate information to create a rule. For a better understanding, please refer to the table below:


Object provided by the user

Required Object

(The user must provide at least one of these objects to give the AI Assistantbetter context for rule creation.)

  • Source Zone

  • Source Network

  • Source Dynamic Attribute

  • Destination Zone

  • Destination Network

  • Destination Port

  • Destination Dynamic Attribute

  • Application

  • URL


  • Destination Zone

  • Destination Network

  • Destination Port

  • Destination Dynamic Attribute

  • Application

  • URL

  • Destination Zone

  • Destination Network

  • Destination Port

  • Destination Dynamic Attribute

  • Source Zone

  • Source Network

  • Source Dynamic Attribute

  • User

  • Application

  • URL

  • Application

  • URL

  • Source Zone

  • Source Network

  • Source Dynamic Attribute

  • User

  • Destination Zone

  • Destination Network

  • Destination Port

  • Destination Dynamic Attribute


Do I need to pay to use the Cisco AI Assistant for Firewall?


The Cisco AI Assistant is currently available for early customer evaluation at no cost. During this rollout phase, usage is free of charge. However, Cisco plans to include the product in the General Price List (GPL) in the future. After general availability, Cisco reserves the right to require customers to purchase a subscription to continue using the product.


Are there any limitations on features and functionality during the above -mentioned initial customer evaluation period?


No, there are no planned limitations on the usage of available functionality. During the early availability period, you will have full access to all features and functionalities of the product. However, Cisco will monitor usage levels and may, at its sole discretion, restrict or limit usage, as well as add or remove features and functionalities during this evaluation phase.


What happens if I choose not to subscribe and/or do not pay for the product after the above-mentioned period?


If you choose not to subscribe, your access to the Cisco AI Assistant for Firewall will be limited or discontinued in accordance with our policy. You will have the option to reactivate your subscription at any time.


When was the last time the Cisco AI Assistant was updated?


The AI Assistant is updated weekly with documentation changes.

In CDO, the AI Assistant is updated every 24 hours with the policy and configuration changes you made to your devices and tenant.

In cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center, the AI Assistant is also updated every 24 hours with the policy and configurations changes you made to your devices and tenant, and in addition, responses to those questions include when the last data sync occurred.