Advanced NAT Properties

When you configure NAT, you can configure properties that provide specialized services in the Advanced options. All of these properties are optional: configure them only if you need the service.

Translate DNS replies that match this rule

Whether to translate the IP address in DNS replies. For DNS replies traversing from a mapped interface to a real interface, the Address (the IPv4 A or IPv6 AAAA) record is rewritten from the mapped value to the real value. Conversely, for DNS replies traversing from a real interface to a mapped interface, the record is rewritten from the real value to the mapped value. This option is used in specific circumstances, and is sometimes needed for NAT64/46 translation, where the rewrite also converts between A and AAAA records. For more information, see Rewriting DNS Queries and Responses Using NAT. This option is not available if you are doing port translation in a static NAT rule.

Fallthrough to Interface PAT (Destination Interface) (Dynamic NAT only.)

Whether to use the IP address of the destination interface as a backup method when the other mapped addresses are already allocated (interface PAT fallback). This option is available only if you select a destination interface that is not a member of a bridge group. To use the IPv6 address of the interface, also check the IPv6 option. You cannot select this option if you already configured interface PAT as the translated address. You also cannot select the option if you configure a PAT pool.


Whether to use the IPv6 address of the destination interface for interface PAT.

Net to Net Mapping (Static NAT only.)

For NAT 46, select this option to translate the first IPv4 address to the first IPv6 address, the second to the second, and so on. Without this option, the IPv4-embedded method is used. For a one-to-one translation, you must use this option.

Do not proxy ARP on Destination Interface (Static NAT only.)

Disables proxy ARP for incoming packets to the mapped IP addresses. If you use addresses on the same network as the mapped interface, the system uses proxy ARP to answer any ARP requests for the mapped addresses, thus intercepting traffic destined for a mapped address. This solution simplifies routing because the device does not have to be the gateway for any additional networks. You can disable proxy ARP if desired, in which case you need to be sure to have proper routes on the upstream router. Normally for identity NAT, proxy ARP is not required, and in some cases can cause connectivity issues.

Perform Route Lookup for Destination Interface (Static Identity NAT only. Routed mode only.)

If you select source and destination interfaces when selecting the same object for original and translated source address, you can select this option to have the system determine the destination interface based on the routing table rather than using the destination interface configured in the NAT rule.

Unidirectional (Manual NAT only, static NAT only.)

Select this option to prevent the destination addresses from initiating traffic to the source addresses. The unidirectional option is mainly useful for testing purposes and might not work with all protocols. For example, SIP requires protocol inspection to translate SIP headers using NAT, but this will not occur if you make the translation unidirectional.