One-to-Many Static NAT

Typically, you configure static NAT with a one-to-one mapping. However, in some cases, you might want to configure a single real address to several mapped addresses (one-to-many). When you configure one-to-many static NAT, when the real host initiates traffic, it always uses the first mapped address. However, for traffic initiated to the host, you can initiate traffic to any of the mapped addresses, and they will be untranslated to the single real address.

The following figure shows a typical one-to-many static NAT scenario. Because initiation by the real host always uses the first mapped address, the translation of real host IP/first mapped IP is technically the only bidirectional translation.

One-to-Many Static NAT

For example, you have a load balancer at Depending on the URL requested, it redirects traffic to the correct web server.

One-to-Many Static NAT Example