Automatically Update CA Bundles

You can set the management center to automatically update the CA certificates through CLI commands. By default, the CA certificates are automatically updated when you install or upgrade to version 7.0.5.


In an IPv6-only deployment, the automatic update of CA certificates may fail, because, some of the Cisco servers do not support IPv6. In such cases, force update the CA certificates using the configure cert-update run-now force command.


Step 1

Log into the FMC CLI using SSH, or, if virtual, open the VM console.

Step 2

You can verify whether the CA certificates in the local system are the latest or not:

configure cert-update test

This command compares the CA bundle on the local system with the latest CA bundle (from the Cisco server). If the CA bundle is up to date, no connection check is executed and the test result is displayed as the one below:


> configure cert-update test
Test succeeded, certs can safely be updated or are already up to date.

If the CA bundle is out of date, the connection check is executed on the downloaded CA bundle and the test result is displayed.


When the connection check fails:

> configure cert-update test
Test failed, not able to fully connect.


When the connection check succeeds, or the CA bundle is already up to date:

> configure cert-update test
Test succeeded, certs can safely be updated or are already up to date.

Step 3

(Optional) To instantly update the CA bundles:

configure cert-update run-now


>configure cert-update run-now 
Certs have been replaced or was already up to date.

When you execute this command, the CA certificates (from the Cisco server) are verified for SSL connectivity. If the SSL connectivity check fails for even one of the Cisco servers, the process is terminated.


> configure cert-update run-now
Certs failed some connection checks.

To proceed with the update despite connection failures, use the force keyword.


> configure cert-update run-now force 
Certs failed some connection checks, but replace has been forced.

Step 4

If you do not want the CA bundles to be automatically updated, disable the configuration:

configure cert-update auto-update disable


> configure cert-update auto-update disable
Autoupdate is disabled

Step 5

To re-enable the automatic update of CA bundles:

configure cert-update auto-update enable


> configure cert-update auto-update enable
Autoupdate is enabled and set for every day at 12:18 UTC

When you enable the automatic update on the CA certificates, the update process is executed daily at a system-defined time.

Step 6

(Optional) View the status of automatic update of CA certificates:

show cert-update


> show cert-update
Autoupdate is enabled and set for every day at 09:34 UTC
CA bundle was last modified 'Thu Sep 15 16:12:35 2022'