Creating NAT Policies

When you create a new NAT policy you must, at minimum, give it a unique name. Although you are not required to identify policy targets at policy creation time, you must perform this step before you can deploy the policy. If you apply a NAT policy with no rules to a device, the system removes all NAT rules from that device.


Step 1

Choose Devices > NAT .

Step 2

Click New Policy and from the drop-down list, choose Threat Defense NAT for threat defense devices.

Firepower NAT is for older devices that are not covered in this document.

Step 3

Enter a unique Name.

Step 4

Optionally, enter a Description.

Step 5

Choose the devices where you want to deploy the policy:

  • Choose a device in the Available Devices list, and click Add to Policy.
  • Click and drag a device from the Available Devices list to the Selected Devices list.
  • Remove a device from the Selected Devices list by clicking Delete (delete icon) next to the device.

Step 6

Click Save.