About Alarms

You can configure the ISA 3000 to issue alarms for a variety of conditions. If any conditions do not match the configured settings, the system triggers an alarm, which is reported by way of LEDs, syslog messages, SNMP traps, and through external devices connected to the alarm output interface. By default, triggered alarms issue syslog messages only.

You can configure the alarm system to monitor the following:

  • Power supply.

  • Primary and secondary temperature sensors.

  • Alarm input interfaces.

The ISA 3000 has internal sensors plus two alarm input interfaces and one alarm output interface. You can connect external sensors, such as door sensors, to the alarm inputs. You can connect external alarm devices, such as buzzers or lights, to the alarm output interface.

The alarm output interface is a relay mechanism. Depending on the alarm conditions, the relay is either energized or de-energized. When it is energized, any device connected to the interface is activated. A de-energized relay results in the inactive state of any connected devices. The relay remains in an energized state as long as alarms are triggered.

For information about connecting external sensors and the alarm relay, see Cisco ISA 3000 Industrial Security Appliance Hardware Installation Guide.