Advanced Settings for Network Analysis Policies

Network analysis policies govern how traffic is decoded and preprocessed so that it can be further evaluated, especially for anomalous traffic that might signal an intrusion attempt. This traffic preprocessing occurs after Security Intelligence matching and traffic decryption, but before intrusion policies inspect packets in detail. By default, the system-provided Balanced Security and Connectivity network analysis policy is the default network analysis policy.


The system-provided Balanced Security and Connectivity network analysis policy and the Balanced Security and Connectivity intrusion policy work together and can both be updated in intrusion rule updates. However, the network analysis policy governs mostly preprocessing options, whereas the intrusion policy governs mostly intrusion rules.

A simple way to tune preprocessing is to create and use a custom network analysis policy as the default. For advanced users with complex deployments, you can create multiple network analysis policies, each tailored to preprocess traffic differently. Then, you can configure the system to use those policies to govern the preprocessing of traffic using different security zones, networks, or VLANs.

To accomplish this, you add custom network analysis rules to your access control policy. A network analysis rule is simply a set of configurations and conditions that specifies how you preprocess traffic that matches those qualifications. You create and edit network analysis rules in the advanced options in an existing access control policy. Each rule belongs to only one policy.

Each rule has:

  • a set of rule conditions that identifies the specific traffic you want to preprocess

  • an associated network analysis policy that you want to use to preprocess traffic that meets all the rules’ conditions

When it is time for the system to preprocess traffic, it matches packets to network analysis rules in top-down order by rule number. Traffic that does not match any network analysis rules is preprocessed by the default network analysis policy.