AMP for Endpoints and AMP Private Cloud

If you configure a Cisco AMP private cloud to collect AMP endpoint data on your network, all AMP for Endpoints connectors send data to the private cloud, which forwards that data to the Secure Firewall Management Center. The private cloud does not share any of your endpoint data over an external connection.

If your organization has deployed an AMP private cloud, all connections to the AMP cloud funnel through the private cloud, which acts as an anonymized proxy to ensure the security and privacy of your monitored network. This includes importing AMP for Endpoints data. The private cloud does not share any of your endpoint data over an external connection.

The following integration features are not available if you use an AMP private cloud:

  • Use of Blocked Applications and Allowed Applications lists configured in AMP for Endpoints. (These lists are used to block or allow files.)

  • Visibility in AMP for Endpoints of malware events generated from Firepower.

You can configure multiple private clouds to support the capacity you require.