FlexConfig Policy Overview

A FlexConfig policy is a container of an ordered list of FlexConfig objects. Each object includes a series of Apache Velocity scripting language commands, ASA software configuration commands, and variables that you define. The contents of each FlexConfig object is essentially a program that generates a sequence of ASA commands that will then be deployed to the assigned devices. This command sequence then configures the related feature on the threat defense device.

Threat Defense uses ASA configuration commands to implement some features, but not all features. There is no unique set of threat defense configuration commands. Instead, the point of FlexConfig is to allow you to configure features that are not yet directly supported through management center policies and settings.


Cisco strongly recommends using FlexConfig policies only if you are an advanced user with a strong ASA background and at your own risk. You may configure any commands that are not prohibited. Enabling features through FlexConfig policies may cause unintended results with other configured features.

You may contact the Cisco Technical Assistance Center for support concerning FlexConfig policies that you have configured. The Cisco Technical Assistance Center does not design or write custom configurations on any customer's behalf. Cisco expresses no guarantees for correct operation or interoperability with other Firepower System features. FlexConfig features may become deprecated at any time. For fully guaranteed feature support, you must wait for the management center support. When in doubt, do not use FlexConfig policies.