FlexConfig Variables

You can use variables in a FlexConfig object in cases where part of a command or processing instruction depends on runtime information rather than static information. During deployment, the variables are replaced with strings obtained from other configurations for the device based on the type of variable:

  • Policy object variables are replaced with strings obtained from objects defined in management center.

  • System variables are replaced with information obtained from the device itself or from policies configured for it.

  • Processing variables are loaded with the contents of policy object or system variables as scripting commands are processed. For example, in a loop, you iteratively load one value from a policy object or system variable into a processing variable, then use the processing variable to form a command string or perform some other action. These processing variables do not show up in the Variables list within a FlexConfig object. Also, you do not add them using the Insert menu in the FlexConfig object editor.

  • Secret key variables are replaced with the single string defined for the variable within the FlexConfig object.

Variables start with the $ character, except for secret keys, which start with the @ character. For example, $ifname is a policy object variable in the following command, whereas @keyname is a secret key.

interface $ifname 
key @keyname


The first time you insert a policy object or system variable, you must do so through the Insert menu in the FlexConfig object editor. This action adds the variable to the Variables list at the bottom of the FlexConfig object editor. But you must type in the variable string on subsequent uses, even when using system variables. If you are adding a processing variable, which does not have an object or system variable assignment, do not use the Insert menu. If you are adding a secret key, always use the Insert menu. Secret key variables do not show up in the Variables list.

Whether a variable is resolved as a single string, a list of strings, or a table of values depends on the type of policy object or system variable you assign to the variable. (Secret keys always resolve to a single string.) You must understand what will be returned in order to process the variables correctly.

The following topics explain the various types of variable and how to process them.