Intrusion Rule Header Source and Destination IP Addresses

Restricting packet inspection to the packets originating from specific IP addresses or destined to a specific IP address reduces the amount of packet inspection the system must perform. This also reduces false positives by making the rule more specific and removing the possibility of the rule triggering against packets whose source and destination IP addresses do not indicate suspicious behavior.


The system recognizes only IP addresses and does not accept host names for source or destination IP addresses.

Within the intrusion rules editor, you specify source and destination IP addresses in the Source IPs and Destination IPs fields.

When writing standard text rules, you can specify IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in a variety of ways, depending on your needs. You can specify a single IP address, any, IP address lists, CIDR notation, prefix lengths, or a network variable. Additionally, you can indicate that you want to exclude a specific IP address or set of IP addresses. When specifying IPv6 addresses, you can use any addressing convention defined in RFC 4291.