The Intrusion Rule Header

Every standard text rule and shared object rule has a rule header containing parameters and arguments. The following illustrates parts of a rule header:

Diagram illustrating the parts of a rule header: Type, Protocol, Source IP, Source Port, Operator, Destination, and Destination Port.

The following table describes each part of the rule header shown above.

Rule Header Values

Rule Header Component

Example Value

This Value...



Generates an intrusion event when triggered.



Tests TCP traffic only.

Source IP Address


Tests traffic coming from any host that is not on your internal network.

Source Ports


Tests traffic coming from any port on the originating host.



Tests external traffic (destined for the web servers on your network).

Destination IP Address


Tests traffic to be delivered to any host specified as a web server on your internal network.

Destination Ports


Tests traffic delivered to an HTTP port on your internal network.


The previous example uses default variables, as do most intrusion rules.