MTU and Fragmentation

For IPv4, if an outgoing IP packet is larger than the specified MTU, it is fragmented into 2 or more frames. Fragments are reassembled at the destination (and sometimes at intermediate hops), and fragmentation can cause performance degradation. For IPv6, packets are typically not allowed to be fragmented at all. Therefore, your IP packets should fit within the MTU size to avoid fragmentation.

For TCP packets, the endpoints typically use their MTU to determine the TCP maximum segment size (MTU - 40, for example). If additional TCP headers are added along the way, for example for site-to-site VPN tunnels, then the TCP MSS might need to be adjusted down by the tunneling entity. See About the TCP MSS.

For UDP or ICMP, the application should take the MTU into account to avoid fragmentation.


The threat defense device can receive frames larger than the configured MTU as long as there is room in memory.