Scheduled Task Review

After adding scheduled tasks, you can view them and evaluate their status. The View Options section of the page allows you to view scheduled tasks using a calendar and a list of scheduled tasks.

The Calendar view option allows you to view which scheduled tasks occur on which day.

The Task List shows a list of tasks along with their status. The task list appears below the calendar when you open the calendar. In addition, you can view it by selecting a date or task from the calendar.

You can edit a scheduled task that you previously created. This feature is especially useful if you want to test a scheduled task once to make sure that the parameters are correct. Later, after the task completes successfully, you can change it to a recurring task.

There are two types of deletions you can perform from the Schedule View page. You can delete a specific one-time task that has not yet run or you can delete every instance of a recurring task. If you delete an instance of a recurring task, all instances of the task are deleted. If you delete a task that is scheduled to run once, only that task is deleted.