Viewing Scheduled Tasks on the Calendar

You can view a scheduled task on the calendar.


Step 1

Select System (system gear icon) > Tools > Scheduling.

Step 2

You can perform the following tasks using the calendar view:

  • Click Double Left Arrow (double left arrow icon) to move back one year.

  • Click Single Left Arrow (single left arrow icon) to move back one month.

  • Click Single Right Arrow (single right arrow icon) to move forward one month.

  • Click Double Right Arrow (double right arrow icon) to move forward one year.

  • Click Today to return to the current month and year.

  • Click Add Task to schedule a new task.

  • Click a date to view all scheduled tasks for the specific date in a task list table below the calendar.

  • Click a specific task on a date to view the task in a task list table below the calendar.