Informational Counters

If a system under load is working well, you should see large counts for the following counters. Because there are 2 sides to the tracker process per connection, you can see these counters increase by 2 per connection. The PRIV_KEY_RECV and SECU_PARAM_RECV counters are the most important, and are highlighted. The CONTEXT_CREATED and CONTEXT_DESTROYED counters relate to the allocation of cryptographic chip memory.

> show counters
Protocol     Counter                           Value   Context
SSLENC       CONTEXT_CREATED                  258225   Summary 
SSLENC       CONTEXT_DESTROYED                258225   Summary
TLS_TRK      OPEN_SERVER_SESSION              258225   Summary
TLS_TRK      OPEN_CLIENT_SESSION              258225   Summary
TLS_TRK      UPSTREAM_CLOSE                   516450   Summary
TLS_TRK      DOWNSTREAM_CLOSE                 516450   Summary
TLS_TRK      FREE_SESSION                     516450   Summary
TLS_TRK      CACHE_FREE                       516450   Summary
TLS_TRK      PRIV_KEY_RECV                    258225   Summary
TLS_TRK      NO_KEY_ENABLE                    258225   Summary
TLS_TRK      SECU_PARAM_RECV                  516446   Summary
TLS_TRK      DECRYPTED_ALERT                  258222   Summary
TLS_TRK      DECRYPTED_APPLICATION          33568976   Summary
TLS_TRK      ALERT_RX_CNT                     258222   Summary
TLS_TRK      ALERT_RX_WARNING_ALERT           258222   Summary
TLS_TRK      ALERT_RX_CLOSE_NOTIFY            258222   Summary
TCP_PRX      OPEN_SESSION                     516450   Summary
TCP_PRX      FREE_SESSION                     516450   Summary
TCP_PRX      UPSTREAM_CLOSE                   516450   Summary
TCP_PRX      DOWNSTREAM_CLOSE                 516450   Summary
TCP_PRX      FREE_CONN                        258222   Summary
TCP_PRX      SERVER_CLEAN_UP                  258222   Summary
TCP_PRX      CLIENT_CLEAN_UP                  258222   Summary