Suggested Maximum TCP MSS Setting

The default TCP MSS assumes the threat defense device acts as an IPv4 IPsec VPN endpoint and has an MTU of 1500. When the threat defense device acts as an IPv4 IPsec VPN endpoint, it needs to accommodate up to 120 bytes for TCP and IP headers.

If you change the MTU value, use IPv6, or do not use the threat defense device as an IPsec VPN endpoint, then you should change the TCP MSS setting using the Sysopt_Basic object in FlexConfig.


Even if you explicitly set an MSS, if a component such as TLS/SSL decryption or server discovery needs a particular MSS, it will set that MSS based on the interface MTU and ignore your MSS setting.

See the following guidelines:

  • Normal traffic—Disable the TCP MSS limit and accept the value established between connection endpoints. Because connection endpoints typically derive the TCP MSS from the MTU, non-IPsec packets usually fit this TCP MSS.

  • IPv4 IPsec endpoint traffic—Set the maximum TCP MSS to the MTU - 120. For example, if you use jumbo frames and set the MTU to 9000, then you need to set the TCP MSS to 8880 to take advantage of the new MTU.

  • IPv6 IPsec endpoint traffic—Set the maximum TCP MSS to the MTU - 140.