Device Exclusion in Health Monitoring

In the course of normal network maintenance, you disable appliances or make them temporarily unavailable. Because those outages are deliberate, you do not want the health status from those appliances to affect the summary health status on your management center.

You can use the health monitor exclude feature to disable health monitoring status reporting on an appliance or module. For example, if you know that a segment of your network will be unavailable, you can temporarily disable health monitoring for a managed device on that segment to prevent the health status on the management center from displaying a warning or critical state because of the lapsed connection to the device.

When you disable health monitoring status, health events are still generated, but they have a disabled status and do not affect the health status for the health monitor. If you remove the appliance or module from the excluded list, the events that were generated during the exclusion continue to show a status of disabled.

To temporarily disable health events from an appliance, go to the exclusion configuration page and add an appliance to the device exclude list. After the setting takes effect, the system no longer considers the excluded appliance when calculating the overall health status. The Health Monitor Appliance Status Summary lists the appliance as disabled.

You can also disable an individual health module. For example, when you reach the host limit on the management center, you can disable Host Limit status messages.

Note that on the main Health Monitor page you can distinguish between appliances that are excluded if you expand to view the list of appliances with a particular status by clicking the arrow in that status row.


On management center, Health Monitor exclusion settings are local configuration settings. Therefore, if you exclude a device, then delete it and later re-register it with the management center, the exclusion settings remain persistent. The newly re-registered device remains excluded.