The Users Database

The users database on the Secure Firewall Management Center contains a record for each user detected or reported by all of your configured identity sources. You can use data obtained from an authoritative source for user control.

See About User Identity Sources for more information about the supported non-authoritative and authoritative identity sources.

The total number of users the Secure Firewall Management Center can store depends on the Secure Firewall Management Center model. After the user limit is reached, the system prioritizes previously-undetected user data based on its identity source, as follows:

  • If the new user is from a non-authoritative identity source, the system does not add the user to the database. To allow new users to be added, you must delete users manually or with a database purge.

  • If the new user is from an authoritative identity source, the system deletes the non-authoritative user who has remained inactive for the longest period and adds the new user to the database.

If an identity source is configured to exclude specific user names, user activity data for those user names are not reported to the Secure Firewall Management Center. These excluded user names remain in the database, but are not associated with IP addresses.

If you have management center high availability configured and the primary fails, no logins reported by a captive portal, ISE/ISE-PIC, TS Agent, or Remote Access VPN device can be identified during failover downtime, even if the users were previously seen and downloaded to the management center. The unidentified users are logged as Unknown users on the management center. After the downtime, the Unknown users are reidentified and processed according to the rules in your identity policy.


If the TS Agent monitors the same users as another passive authentication identity source (ISE/ISE-PIC), the management center prioritizes the TS Agent data. If the TS Agent and another passive source report identical activity from the same IP address, only the TS Agent data is logged to the management center.

When the system detects a new user session, the user session data remains in the users database until one of the following occurs:

  • A user on the management center manually deletes the user session.

  • An identity source reports the logoff of that user session.

  • A realm ends the user session as specified by the realm's User Session Timeout: Authenticated Users, User Session Timeout: Failed Authentication Users, or User Session Timeout: Guest Users setting.