Advanced Transport/Network Preprocessor Options

Ignore the VLAN header when tracking connections

Specifies whether to ignore or include VLAN headers when identifying traffic, as follows:

  • When this option is selected, the system ignores VLAN headers. Use this setting for deployed devices that might detect different VLAN tags for the same connection in traffic traveling in different directions

  • When this option is disabled, the system includes VLAN headers. Use this setting for deployed devices that will not detect different VLAN tags for the same connection traffic traveling in different directions.

Maximum Active Responses

Specifies a maximum number of active responses per TCP connection. When additional traffic occurs on a connection where an active response has been initiated, and the traffic occurs more than Minimum Response Seconds after a previous active response, the system sends another active response unless the specified maximum has been reached. A setting of 0 disables additional active responses triggered by resp or react rules. See Active Responses in Intrusion Drop Rules and Active Response Keywords.

Note that a triggered resp or react rule initiates an active response regardless of the configuration of this option.

Minimum Response Seconds

Until Maximum Active Responses occur, specifies the number of seconds to wait before any additional traffic on a connection where the system has initiated an active response results in a subsequent active response.

Troubleshooting Options: Session Termination Logging Threshold


Do not modify Session Termination Logging Threshold unless instructed to do so by Support.

Support might ask you during a troubleshooting call to configure your system to log a message when an individual connection exceeds the specified threshold. Changing the setting for this option will affect performance and should be done only with Support guidance.

This option specifies for the number of bytes that result in a logged message when the session terminates and the specified number was exceeded.


The upper limit of 1GB is also restricted by the amount of memory on the managed device allocated for stream processing.