QoS Rule Components

State (Enabled/Disabled)

By default, rules are enabled. If you disable a rule, the system does not use it and stops generating warnings and errors for that rule.

Interfaces (Apply QoS On)

You cannot save a QoS rule that rate limits all traffic. For each QoS rule, you must apply QoS on either:

  • Interfaces in Source Interface Objects—Rate limits traffic through the rule's source interfaces. If you choose this option, you must add at least one source interface constraint (cannot be any).

  • Interfaces in Destination Interface Objects—Rate limits traffic through the rule's destination interfaces. If you choose this option, you must add at least one destination interface constraint (cannot be any).

Traffic Limit Per Interface

A QoS rule enforces rate limiting independently on each of the interfaces you specify with the Apply QoS On option. You cannot specify an aggregate rate limit for a set of interfaces.

You can rate limit traffic by Mbits per second. The default value of Unlimited prevents matching traffic from being rate limited.

You can rate limit download and upload traffic independently. The system determines download and upload directions based on the connection initiator.

If you specify a limit greater than the maximum throughput of an interface, the system does not rate limit matching traffic. Maximum throughput may be affected by an interface’s hardware configuration, which you specify in each device’s properties (Devices > Device Management).


Conditions specify the specific traffic the rule handles. You can configure each rule with multiple conditions. Traffic must match all conditions to match the rule. Each condition type has its own tab in the rule editor. For more information, see QoS Rule Conditions.


Each time you save changes to a rule you can add comments. For example, you might summarize the overall configuration for the benefit of other users, or note when you change a rule and the reason for the change.

In the policy editor, the system displays how many comments a rule has. In the rule editor, use the Comments tab to view existing comments and add new ones.