Configuring QoS Rules

When you create or edit a rule, use the upper portion of the rule editor to configure general rule properties. Use the lower portion of the rule editor to configure rule conditions and comments.


Step 1

On Rules of the QoS policy editor:

  • Add Rule—Click Add Rule.
  • Edit Rule—Click Edit (edit icon).

Step 2

Enter a Name.

Step 3

Configure rule components:

  • Enabled—Specify whether the rule is Enabled.
  • Apply QoS On—Choose the interfaces you want to rate limit, either Interfaces in Destination Interface Objects or Interfaces in Source Interface Objects. Your choice must correspond with a populated interface constraint (not any).
  • Traffic Limit Per Interface—Enter a Download Limit and an Upload Limit in Mbits/sec. The default value of Unlimited prevent matching traffic from being rate limited in that direction.
  • Conditions—Click the corresponding condition you want to add. You must configure a source or destination interface condition, corresponding to your choice for Apply QoS On.
  • Comments—Click Comments. To add a comment click New Comment, enter a comment, and click OK. You can edit or delete this comment until you save the rule.

For detailed information on rule components, see QoS Rule Components.

Step 4

Save the rule.

Step 5

In the policy editor, set the rule position. Click and drag or use the right-click menu to cut and paste.

Rules are numbered starting at 1. The system matches traffic to rules in top-down order by ascending rule number. The first rule that traffic matches is the rule that handles that traffic. Proper rule order reduces the resources required to process network traffic and prevents rule preemption.

Step 6

Click Save to save the policy.

What to do next

  • Deploy configuration changes.