TCP Stream Preprocessing Options

If no preprocessor rule is mentioned in the following descriptions, the option is not associated with a preprocessor rule.

You can configure the following global TCP option:

Packet Type Performance Boost

Enables ignoring TCP traffic for all ports and application protocols that are not specified in enabled intrusion rules, except when a TCP rule with both the source and destination ports set to any has a flow or flowbits option. This performance improvement could result in missed attacks.

You can configure the following options for each TCP policy.


Specifies the host IP addresses to which you want to apply the TCP stream reassembly policy.

You can specify a single IP address or address block. You can specify up to 255 total profiles including the default policy.

Note that the default setting in the default policy specifies all IP addresses on your monitored network segment that are not covered by another target-based policy. Therefore, you cannot and do not need to specify an IP address or CIDR block/prefix length for the default policy, and you cannot leave this setting blank in another policy or use address notation to represent any (for example, or ::/0).


Identifies the TCP policy operating system of the target host or hosts. If you select a policy other than Mac OS, the system removes the data from the synchronization (SYN) packets and disables event generation for rule 129:2. Note that enabling the inline normalization preprocessor Remove Data on SYN option also disables rule 129:2.

The following table identifies the operating system policies and the host operating systems that use each.

TCP Operating System Policies


Operating Systems


unknown OS


Cisco IOS






Linux 2.4 kernel

Linux 2.6 kernel

Old Linux

Linux 2.2 and earlier kernel


Windows 98

Windows NT

Windows 2000

Windows XP

Windows 2003

Windows 2003

Windows Vista

Windows Vista


Solaris OS



SGI Irix


HP-UX 11.0 and later


HP-UX 10.2 and earlier

Mac OS

Mac OS 10 (Mac OS X)


The First operating system policy could offer some protection when you do not know the host operating system. However, it may result in missed attacks. You should edit the policy to specify the correct operating system if you know it.


The number of seconds between 1 and 86400 the intrusion rules engine keeps an inactive stream in the state table. If the stream is not reassembled in the specified time, the intrusion rules engine deletes it from the state table.


If your managed device is deployed on a segment where the network traffic is likely to reach the device’s bandwidth limits, you should consider setting this value higher (for example, to 600 seconds) to lower the amount of processing overhead.

threat defense devices ignore this option and, instead, use the settings in the advanced access control Threat Defense Service Policy. See Configure a Service Policy Rule for more information.

Maximum TCP Window

Specifies the maximum TCP window size between 1 and 1073725440 bytes allowed as specified by a receiving host. Setting the value to 0 disables checking for the TCP window size.


The upper limit is the maximum window size permitted by RFC, and is intended to prevent an attacker from evading detection, but setting a significantly large maximum window size could result in a self-imposed denial of service.

When Stateful Inspection Anomalies is enabled, you can enable rule 129:6 to generate events and, in an inline deployment, drop offending packets for this option.

Overlap Limit

Specifies that when the configured number between 0 (unlimited) and 255 of overlapping segments in a session has been detected, segment reassembly stops for that session and, if Stateful Inspection Anomalies is enabled and the accompanying preprocessor rule is enabled, an event is generated.

You can enable rule 129:7 to generate events and, in an inline deployment, drop offending packets for this option.

Flush Factor

In an inline deployment, specifies that when a segment of decreased size has been detected subsequent to the configured number between 1 and 2048 of segments of non-decreasing size, the system flushes segment data accumulated for detection. Setting the value to 0 disables detection of this segment pattern, which can indicate the end of a request or response. Note that the Inline Normalization Normalize TCP Payload option must be enabled for this option the be effective.

Stateful Inspection Anomalies

Detects anomalous behavior in the TCP stack. When accompanying preprocessor rules are enabled, this may generate many events if TCP/IP stacks are poorly written.

This option is ignored for threat defense routed and transparent interfaces.

You can enable the following rules to generate events and, in an inline deployment, drop offending packets for this option:

  • 129:1 through 129:5

  • 129:6 (Mac OS only)

  • 129:8 through 129:11

  • 129:13 through 129:19

Note the following:

  • for rule 129:6 to trigger you must also configure a value greater than 0 for Maximum TCP Window.

  • for rules 129:9 and 129:10 to trigger you must also enable TCP Session Hijacking.

TCP Session Hijacking

Detects TCP session hijacking by validating the hardware (MAC) addresses detected from both sides of a TCP connection during the 3-way handshake against subsequent packets received on the session. When the MAC address for one side or the other does not match, if Stateful Inspection Anomalies is enabled and one of the two corresponding preprocessor rules are enabled, the system generates events.

This option is ignored for threat defense routed and transparent interfaces.

You can enable rules 129:9 and 129:10 to generate events and, in an inline deployment, drop offending packets for this option. Note that for either of these rules to generate events you must also enable Stateful Inspection Anomalies.

Consecutive Small Segments

When Stateful Inspection Anomalies is enabled, specifies a maximum number of 1 to 2048 consecutive small TCP segments allowed. Setting the value to 0 disables checking for consecutive small segments.

You must set this option together with the Small Segment Size option, either disabling both or setting a non-zero value for both. Note that receiving as many as 2000 consecutive segments, even if each segment was 1 byte in length, without an intervening ACK would be far more consecutive segments than you would normally expect.

This option is ignored for threat defense routed and transparent interfaces.

You can enable rule 129:12 to generate events and, in an inline deployment, drop offending packets for this option.

Small Segment Size

When Stateful Inspection Anomalies is enabled, specifies the 1 to 2048 byte TCP segment size that is considered small. Setting the value to 0 disables specifying the size of a small segment.

This option is ignored for threat defense routed and transparent interfaces.

You must set this option together with the Consecutive Small Segments option, either disabling both or setting a non-zero value for both. Note that a 2048 byte TCP segment is larger than a normal 1500 byte Ethernet frame.

Ports Ignoring Small Segments

When Stateful Inspection Anomalies, Consecutive Small Segments, and Small Segment Size are enabled, specifies a comma-separated list of one or more ports that ignore small TCP segment detection. Leaving this option blank specifies that no ports are ignored.

This option is ignored for threat defense routed and transparent interfaces.

You can add any port to the list, but the list only affects ports specified in one of the Perform Stream Reassembly on port lists in the TCP policy.

Require TCP 3-Way Handshake

Specifies that sessions are treated as established only upon completion of a TCP three-way handshake. Disable this option to increase performance, protect from SYN flood attacks, and permit operation in a partially asynchronous environment. Enable it to avoid attacks that attempt to generate false positives by sending information that is not part of an established TCP session.

You can enable rule 129:20 to generate events and, in an inline deployment, drop offending packets for this option.

3-Way Handshake Timeout

Specifies the number of seconds between 0 (unlimited) and 86400 (twenty-four hours) by which a handshake must be completed when Require TCP 3-Way Handshake is enabled. You must enable Require TCP 3-Way Handshake to modify the value for this option.

For Firepower Software devices and threat defense inline, inline tap, and passive interfaces, the default is 0. For threat defense routed and transparent interfaces, the timeout is always 30 seconds; the value configured here is ignored.

Packet Size Performance Boost

Sets the preprocessor to not queue large packets in the reassembly buffer. This performance improvement could result in missed attacks. Disable this option to protect against evasion attempts using small packets of one to twenty bytes. Enable it when you are assured of no such attacks because all traffic is comprised of very large packets.

Legacy Reassembly

Sets the stream preprocessor to emulate the deprecated Stream 4 preprocessor when reassembling packets, which lets you compare events reassembled by the stream preprocessor to events based on the same data stream reassembled by the Stream 4 preprocessor.

Asynchronous Network

Specifies whether the monitored network is an asynchronous network, that is, a network where the system sees only half the traffic. When this option is enabled, the system does not reassemble TCP streams to increase performance.

This option is ignored for threat defense routed and transparent interfaces.

Perform Stream Reassembly on Client Ports

Enables stream reassembly based on ports for the client side of the connection. In other words, it reassembles streams destined for web servers, mail servers, or other IP addresses typically defined by the IP addresses specified in $HOME_NET. Use this option when you expect malicious traffic to originate from clients.

This option is ignored for threat defense routed and transparent interfaces.

Perform Stream Reassembly on Client Services

Enables stream reassembly based on services for the client side of the connection. Use this option when you expect malicious traffic to originate from clients.

At least one client detector must be enabled for each client service you select. By default, all Cisco-provided detectors are activated. If no detector is enabled for an associated client application, the system automatically enables all Cisco-provided detectors for the application; if none exist, the system enables the most recently modified user-defined detector for the application.

This feature requires Protection and Control licenses.

This option is ignored for threat defense routed and transparent interfaces.

Perform Stream Reassembly on Server Ports

Enables stream reassembly based on ports for the server side of the connection only. In other words, it reassembles streams originating from web servers, mail servers, or other IP addresses typically defined by the IP addresses specified in $EXTERNAL_NET. Use this option when you want to watch for server side attacks. You can disable this option by not specifying ports.

This option is ignored for threat defense routed and transparent interfaces.


For a thorough inspection of a service, add the service name in the Perform Stream Reassembly on Server Services field in addition to adding the port number in the Perform Stream Reassembly on Server Ports field. For example, add 'HTTP' service in the Perform Stream Reassembly on Server Services field to inspect HTTP service in addition to adding port number 80 in the Perform Stream Reassembly on Server Ports field.

Perform Stream Reassembly on Server Services

Enables stream reassembly based on services for the server side of the connection only. Use this option when you want to watch for server side attacks. You can disable this option by not specifying services.

At least one detector must be enabled. By default, all Cisco-provided detectors are activated. If no detector is enabled for a service, the system automatically enables all Cisco-provided detectors for the associated application protocol; if none exist, the system enables the most recently modified user-defined detector for the application protocol.

This feature requires Protection and Control licenses.

This option is ignored for threat defense routed and transparent interfaces.

Perform Stream Reassembly on Both Ports

Enables stream reassembly based on ports for both the client and server side of the connection. Use this option when you expect that malicious traffic for the same ports may travel in either direction between clients and servers. You can disable this option by not specifying ports.

This option is ignored for threat defense routed and transparent interfaces.

Perform Stream Reassembly on Both Services

Enables stream reassembly based on services for both the client and server side of the connection. Use this option when you expect that malicious traffic for the same services may travel in either direction between clients and servers. You can disable this option by not specifying services.

At least one detector must be enabled. By default, all Cisco-provided detectors are activated. If no detector is enabled for an associated client application or application protocol, the system automatically enables all Cisco-provided detectors for the application or application protocol; if none exist, the system enables the most recently modified user-defined detector for the application or application protocol.

This feature requires Protection and Control licenses.

This option is ignored for threat defense routed and transparent interfaces.

Troubleshooting Options: Maximum Queued Bytes

Support might ask you during a troubleshooting call to specify the amount of data that can be queued on one side of a TCP connection. A value of 0 specifies an unlimited number of bytes.


Changing the setting for this troubleshooting option will affect performance and should be done only with Support guidance.

Troubleshooting Options: Maximum Queued Segments

Support might ask you during a troubleshooting call to specify the maximum number of bytes of data segments that can be queued on one side of a TCP connection. A value of 0 specifies an unlimited number of data segment bytes.


Changing the setting for this troubleshooting option will affect performance and should be done only with Support guidance.