Configure a Service Policy Rule

Configure service policy rules to apply services to specific traffic classes.

Before you begin

Go to Objects > Object Management > Access List > Extended and create an the extended access list that defines the traffic to which the rule applies. The rule is applied to any connections that match Allow rules in the extended access list. Define the ACL rules precisely, so that your service policy rule applies to only the traffic that requires the service.

If you are creating an interface-based rule, you must also have configured the interfaces on the assigned devices and added them to security zones or interface groups.


Step 1

If you are not already in the Threat Defense Service Policy dialog box, choose Policies > Access Control, edit the access control policy, select Advanced Settings from the More drop-down arrow at the end of the packet flow line, then edit the Threat Defense Service Policy.

Step 2

Do any of the following:

  • Click Add Rule to create a new rule.

  • Click Edit (edit icon) to edit an existing rule.

The service policy rule wizard opens to step you through the process of configuring the rule.

Step 3

In the Interface Object step, select the option that defines the interfaces that will use the policy.

  • Apply Globally—Select this option to create a global rule, which applies to all interfaces.

  • Select Interface Objects—Select this option to create an interface-based rule. Then, select the security zones or interface objects that contain the desired interfaces, and click > to move them to the Next selected list. The service policy rule will be configured on each interface contained in the selected objects; it is not configured on the zone/group itself.

Click when the interface criteria is complete.

Step 4

In the Traffic Flow step, select the extended ACL object that defines the connections to which the rule applies, then click Next.

Step 5

In the Connection Setting step, configure the services to apply to this traffic class.

  • Enable TCP State Bypass (TCP connections only)—Implement TCP State Bypass. Connections subject to TCP State Bypass are not inspected by any inspection engines, and they bypass all TCP state checking and TCP normalization. For detailed information, see Bypass TCP State Checks for Asymetrical Routing (TCP State Bypass).


    Use TCP State Bypass for troubleshooting purposes or when asymmetric routing cannot be resolved. This feature disables multiple security features, which can cause a high number of connections if you do not implement it properly with a narrowly-defined traffic class.

  • Randomize TCP Sequence Number (TCP connections only)—Whether to enable or disable TCP sequence number randomization. Randomization is enabled by default. For more information, see Disable TCP Sequence Randomization.

  • Enable Decrement TTL (TCP connections only)—Decrement the time-to-live (TTL) on packets that match the class. If you decrement time to live, packets with a TTL of 1 will be dropped, but a connection will be opened for the session on the assumption that the connection might contain packets with a greater TTL. Note that some packets, such as OSPF hello packets, are sent with TTL = 1, so decrementing time to live can have unexpected consequences.


    If you want the threat defense device to appear on traceroutes, you must configure the decrement TTL option and also set the ICMP unreachable rate limit in the platform settings policy. See Make the Threat Defense Device Appear on Traceroutes.

  • Connections—Limits for the number of connections allowed for the entire class. You can configure these options:

    • Maximum TCP and UDP (TCP/UDP connections only)—The maximum number of simultaneous connections that are allowed, between 0 and 2000000, for the entire class. For TCP, this count applies to established connections only. The default is 0, which allows unlimited connections. Because the limit is applied to a class, one attacking host can consume all the connections and leave none for the rest of the hosts that are matched to the class. Set the per-client limit to ameliorate this problem.

    • Maximum Embryonic (TCP connections only)—The maximum number of simultaneous embryonic TCP connections (those that have not finished the TCP handshake) allowed, between 0 and 2000000. The default is 0, which allows unlimited connections. By setting a non-zero limit, you enable TCP Intercept, which protects inside systems from a DoS attack perpetrated by flooding an interface with TCP SYN packets. Also set the per-client options to protect against SYN flooding. For more information, see Protect Servers from a SYN Flood DoS Attack (TCP Intercept).

  • Connections Per Client—Limits for the number of connections allowed for a given client (source IP address). You can configure these options:

    • Maximum TCP and UDP (TCP/UDP connections only)—The maximum number of simultaneous connections allowed per client, between 0 and 2000000. For TCP, this includes established, half-open (embryonic), and half-closed connections. The default is 0, which allows unlimited connections. This option restricts the maximum number of simultaneous connections that are allowed for each host that is matched to the class.

    • Maximum Embryonic (TCP connections only)—The maximum number of simultaneous embryonic TCP connections allowed per client, between 0 and 2000000. The default is 0, which allows unlimited connections. For more information, see Protect Servers from a SYN Flood DoS Attack (TCP Intercept).

  • Connections Syn Cookie MSS—The server maximum segment size (MSS) for SYN-cookie generation for embryonic connections upon reaching the embryonic connections limit, from 48 to 65535 . The default is 1380. This setting is meaningful only if you configure Maximum Embryonic for connections or per-client, or both.

  • Connections Timeout—The timeout settings to apply to the traffic class. These timeouts override the global timeouts defined in the platform settings policy. You can configure the following:

    • Embryonic (TCP connections only)—The timeout period until a TCP embryonic (half-open) connection is closed, between 0:0:5 and 1193:00:00. The default is 0:0:30.

    • Half Closed (TCP connections only)—The idle timeout period until a half-closed connection is closed, between 0:0:30 and 1193:0:0. The default is 0:10:0. Half-closed connections are not affected by Dead Connection Detection (DCD). Also, the system does not send a reset when taking down half-closed connections.

    • Idle (TCP, UDP, ICMP, IP connections)—The idle timeout period after which an established connection of any protocol closes, between 0:0:1 and 1193:0:0. The default is 1:0:0, unless you select the TCP State Bypass option, where the default is 0:2:0.

    • Reset Connection Upon Timeout (TCP connections only)—Whether to send a TCP RST packet to both end systems after idle connections are removed.

  • Detect Dead Connections (TCP connections only)—Whether to enable Dead Connection Detection (DCD). Before expiring an idle connection, the system probes the end hosts to determine if the connection is valid. If both hosts respond, the connection is preserved, otherwise the connection is freed. When operating in transparent firewall mode, you must configure static routes for the endpoints. You cannot configure DCD on connections that are also offloaded, so do not configure DCD on connections you are fast-pathing in the prefilter policy. Use the show conn detail command in the threat defense CLI to track how many DCD probes have been sent by the initiator and responder.

    Configure the following options:

    • Detection Timeout—The time duration in hh:mm:ss format to wait after each unresponsive DCD probe before sending another probe, between 0:0:1 and 24:0:0. The default is 0:0:15.

      For systems that are operating in a cluster or high-availability configuration, we recommend that you do not set the interval to less than one minute (0:1:0). If the connection needs to be moved between systems, the changes required take longer than 30 seconds, and the connection might be deleted before the change is accomplished.

    • Detection Retries—The number of consecutive failed retries for DCD before declaring the connection dead, from 1 to 255. The default is 5.

Step 6

Click Finish to save your changes.

The rule is added to the bottom of the appropriate list, either Interfaces or Global. Global rules are matched in top-down order. Rules in the Interfaces list are matched in top down order for each interface object. Place rules for narrowly-defined traffic classes above broader rules, to ensure the right services get applied. You can move rules within each list by using drag and drop. You cannot move rules between lists.