Configure Dynamic Auto PAT

Use dynamic auto PAT rules to translate addresses to unique IP address/port combinations, rather than to multiple IP addresses only. You can translate to a single address (either the destination interface's address or another address), or use a PAT pool of addresses to provide a larger number of possible translations.

Before you begin

Select Objects > Object Management and create the network objects or groups needed in the rule. Alternatively, you can create the objects while defining the NAT rule. The objects must meet the following requirements:

  • Original Source—This must be a network object (not a group), and it can be a host, range, or subnet.

  • Translated Source—You have the following options to specify the PAT address:

    • Destination Interface—To use the destination interface address, you do not need a network object.

    • Single PAT address—Create a network object containing a single host.

    • PAT pool—Create a network object that includes a range, or create a network object group that contains hosts, ranges, or both. You cannot include subnets. The group cannot contain both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses; it must contain one type only.


Step 1

Select Devices > NAT and create or edit the threat defense NAT policy.

Step 2

Do one of the following:

  • Click the Add Rule button to create a new rule.
  • Click Edit (edit icon) to edit an existing rule.

The right click menu also has options to cut, copy, paste, insert, and delete rules.

Step 3

Configure the basic rule options:

  • NAT Rule—Select Auto NAT Rule.
  • Type—Select Dynamic.

Step 4

On Interface Objects, configure the following options:

  • Source Interface Objects, Destination Interface Objects(Required for bridge group member interfaces.) The interface objects (security zones or interface groups) that identify the interfaces where this NAT rule applies. Source is the object containing the real interface, the one through which the traffic enters the device. Destination is the object containing the mapped interface, the one through which traffic exits the device. By default, the rule applies to all interfaces (Any) except for bridge group member interfaces.

Step 5

On Translation, configure the following options:

  • Original Source—The network object that contains the addresses you are translating.
  • Translated Source—One of the following:
    • (Interface PAT.) To use the address of the destination interface, select Destination Interface IP. You must also select a specific destination interface object. To use the IPv6 address of the interface, you must also select the IPv6 option on Advanced. Skip the step for configuring a PAT pool.

    • To use a single address other than the destination interface address, select the host network object you created for this purpose. Skip the step for configuring a PAT pool.

    • To use a PAT pool, leave Translated Source empty.

Step 6

If you are using a PAT pool, select the PAT Pool page and do the following:

  1. Select Enable PAT pool.

  2. Select the network object group that contains the addresses for the pool in the PAT > Address field.

    You can alternatively select Destination Interface IP, which is another way to implement interface PAT.

  3. (Optional) Select the following options as needed:

    • Use Round Robin AllocationTo assign addresses/ports in a round-robin fashion. By default without round robin, all ports for a PAT address will be allocated before the next PAT address is used. The round-robin method assigns one address/port from each PAT address in the pool before returning to use the first address again, and then the second address, and so on.

    • Extended PAT TableTo use extended PAT. Extended PAT uses 65535 ports per service, as opposed to per IP address, by including the destination address and port in the translation information. Normally, the destination port and address are not considered when creating PAT translations, so you are limited to 65535 ports per PAT address. For example, with extended PAT, you can create a translation of when going to as well as a translation of when going to You cannot use this option with interface PAT or interface PAT fallback.

    • Flat Port Range, Include Reserved PortsTo use the 1024 to 65535 port range as a single flat range when allocating TCP/UDP ports. (Pre-6.7) When choosing the mapped port number for a translation, PAT uses the real source port number if it is available. However, without this option, if the real port is not available, by default the mapped ports are chosen from the same range of ports as the real port number: 1 to 511, 512 to 1023, and 1024 to 65535. To avoid running out of ports at the low ranges, configure this setting. To use the entire range of 1 to 65535, also check the Include Reserved Ports option. For the threat defense devices running version 6.7 or higher, the flat port range is always configured, whether you select the option or not. You can still select the Include Reserved Ports option for these systems, and that setting is honored.

    • Block AllocationTo enable port block allocation. For carrier-grade or large-scale PAT, you can allocate a block of ports for each host, rather than have NAT allocate one port translation at a time. If you allocate a block of ports, subsequent connections from the host use new randomly selected ports within the block. If necessary, additional blocks are allocated if the host has active connections for all ports in the original block. Port blocks are allocated in the 1024-65535 range only. Port block allocation is compatible with round robin, but you cannot use it with the extended PAT or flat port range options. You also cannot use interface PAT fallback.

Step 7

(Optional.) On Advanced, select the desired options:

  • Fallthrough to Interface PAT (Destination Interface)Whether to use the IP address of the destination interface as a backup method when the other mapped addresses are already allocated (interface PAT fallback). This option is available only if you select a destination interface that is not a member of a bridge group. To use the IPv6 address of the interface, also check the IPv6 option. You cannot select this option if you already configured interface PAT as the translated address or PAT pool.
  • IPv6Whether to use the IPv6 address of the destination interface for interface PAT.

Step 8

Click Save to add the rule.

Step 9

Click Save on the NAT page to save your changes.