Configure IGMP Join Groups

You can configure an interface to be a member of a multicast group. Configuring the threat defense device to join a multicast group causes upstream routers to maintain multicast routing table information for that group and keep the paths for that group active.

See Configure IGMP Static Groups if you want to forward multicast packets for a specific group to an interface without the threat defense device accepting those packets as part of the group.


Step 1

Choose Devices > Device Management, and edit the threat defense device.

Step 2

Choose Routing > Multicast Routing > IGMP.

Step 3

On Join Group, click Add or Edit.

Use the Add IGMP Join Group parameters dialog box to configure the threat defense device to be a member of a multicast group. Use the Edit IGMP Join Group parameters dialog box to change existing parameters.


The IGMP Join Group enables PIM to send Join requests towards the sources or towards the Rendezvous Point (RP), provided, the firewall with this command is the PIM Designated Router (DR) on that interface where the command is applied.

Step 4

Configure the following options:

  • From the Interface drop-down list, choose the interface you want to be a member of a multicast group. If you are editing an existing entry, you cannot change the value.

  • From the Join Group drop-down list, choose the multicast group to which you want to assign the interface, or click Plus to create a new multicast group. See Creating Network Objects for the procedure.