Configure IGMP Access Groups

You can control access to multicast groups by using access control lists.


Step 1

Choose Devices > Device Management, and edit the threat defense device.

Step 2

Choose Routing > Multicast Routing > Access Group.

Step 3

On Access Group, click Add or Edit.

Use the Add IGMP Access Group parameters dialog box to add new IGMP access groups to the Access Group table. Use the Edit IGMP Access Group parameters dialog box to change existing parameters.

Step 4

Configure the following options:

  1. From the Interface drop-down list, choose the interface with which the access group is associated. You cannot change the associated interface when you are editing an existing access group.

  2. Click one of the following:

    • Standard Access List— From the Standard Access List drop-down list, choose the standard ACL or click Add (add icon) to create a new standard ACL. See Configure Standard ACL Objects for the procedure.

    • Extended Access List—From the Extended Access List drop-down list, choose the extended ACL or click Add (add icon) to create a new extended ACL. See Configure Extended ACL Objects for the procedure.

Step 5

Click OK to save the access group configuration.