Create an Office 365 Connector

This task discusses how to create a connector for Office 365 tags to send data to the CDO for use in access control policies. The IP addresses associated with these tags are updated every week by Microsoft. You do not have to create a dynamic attributes filter to use the data.

For more information, see Office 365 URLs and IP address ranges on


Step 1

Log in to CDO.

Step 2

Click Tools & Services > Dynamic Attributes Connector > Connectors.

Step 3

Do any of the following:

  • Add a new connector: click Add icon (add icon), then click the name of the connector.

  • Edit a connector: click Edit icon (edit icon).

  • Delete a connector: click Delete icon (delete icon).

Step 4

Enter the following information.




(Required.) Enter a name to uniquely identify this connector.


Optional description.

Pull Interval

(Default 30 seconds.) Interval at which IP mappings are retrieved from Azure.


(Required.) Enter the URL from which to retrieve Office 365 information, if it's different from the default. For more information, see Office 365 IP Address and URL web service on the Microsoft documentation site.

Instance name

(Required.) From the list, click an instance name. For more information, see Office 365 IP Address and URL web service on the Microsoft documentation site.

Disable optional IPs

(Required.) Enter true or false .

Step 5

Click Test and make sure the test succeeds before you save the connector.

Step 6

Click Save.

Step 7

Make sure Ok is displayed in the Status column.