Remove Virtual Routers

Before you begin

  • You cannot delete the Global virtual router. Hence, the delete option is not available for the Global virtual router.

  • You can remove multiple virtual routers at a time.

  • All the routing policies of the deleted virtual router are also deleted.

  • All the interfaces of the deleted virtual router move to the global virtual router.

  • If there are any restrictions on the movement of interfaces, such as overlapping IPs, route conflicts, and so on, you can remove the router only after resolving the conflicts.


Step 1

Choose Devices > Device Management, and edit the threat defense device.

Step 2

Click Routing.

Step 3

Click Manage Virtual Routers.

All virtual routers along with the mapped interfaces are displayed in the Virtual Routers page.

Step 4

To remove a virtual router, click Delete (delete icon) against the desired virtual router.

Step 5

To remove multiple routers, holding the CTRL key, click the virtual routers that you want to delete. Right-click, and then click Delete.

Step 6

To save the changes, click Save.