About Scheduled Automatic Deployments

Using CDO, you can make configuration changes to one or more of the devices it manages and then schedule the changes to be deployed to those devices at a time that is convenient for you.

You can only schedule deployments if you Enable the Option to Schedule Automatic Deployments in the Tenant Settings tab of the Settings page. Once this option is enabled, you can create, edit, or delete scheduled deployments. A scheduled deployment deploys all the staged changes saved on CDO at the date and time set. You can also view and delete scheduled deployments from the Jobs page.

If there were changes made directly to the device that have not been read to CDO, the scheduled deployment will be skipped until that conflict is resolved. The Jobs page will list any instance where a scheduled deployment fails. If Enable the Option to Schedule Automatic Deployments is turned off, all scheduled deployments are deleted.


If you schedule a new deployment for multiple devices, and some of those devices already have deployments scheduled, the new scheduled deployment overwrites the existing scheduled deployments.


When you create a scheduled deployment, the schedule is created in your local time, not in the time zone of the device. Scheduled deployments do not automatically adjust for daylight savings time.