Network Routes on Device Management Interfaces

Management interfaces (including event-only interfaces) support only static routes to reach remote networks. When you set up your managed device, the setup process creates a default route to the gateway IP address that you specify. You cannot delete this route; you can only modify the gateway address.


If you configure a data interface for management instead of using the dedicated Management interface, traffic is routed over the backplane to use the data routing table. The information in this section does not apply.

At least one static route is recommended per management interface to access remote networks. We recommend placing each interface on a separate network to avoid potential routing problems, including routing problems from other devices to the device. If you do not experience problems with interfaces on the same network, then be sure to configure static routes correctly. For example, both management0 and management1 are on the same network, but the FTD management and event interfaces are on different networks. The gateway is If you want management1 to connect to the management's event-only interface at, you can create a static route for through management1 with the same gateway of Traffic to will hit this route before it hits the default route, so management1 will be used as expected.