Access Control Rules: Intrusion Policy Selection

After initial preprocessing, access control rules (when present) evaluate traffic. In most cases, the first access control rule that a packet matches is the rule that handles that traffic; you can monitor, trust, block, or allow matching traffic.

When you allow traffic with an access control rule, the system can inspect the traffic for discovery data, malware, prohibited files, and intrusions, in that order. Traffic not matching any access control rule is handled by the access control policy’s default action, which can also inspect for discovery data and intrusions.


All packets, regardless of which network analysis policy preprocesses them, are matched to configured access control rules—and thus are potentially subject to inspection by intrusion policies—in top-down order.

The diagram in How Policies Examine Traffic For Intrusions shows the flow of traffic through a device in an inline, intrusion prevention and malware defense deployment, as follows:

  • Access Control Rule A allows matching traffic to proceed. The traffic is then inspected for discovery data by the network discovery policy, for prohibited files and malware by File Policy A, and then for intrusions by Intrusion Policy A.

  • Access Control Rule B also allows matching traffic. However, in this scenario, the traffic is not inspected for intrusions (or files or malware), so there are no intrusion or file policies associated with the rule. Note that by default, traffic that you allow to proceed is inspected by the network discovery policy; you do not need to configure this.

  • In this scenario, the access control policy’s default action allows matching traffic. The traffic is then inspected by the network discovery policy, and then by an intrusion policy. You can (but do not have to) use a different intrusion policy when you associate intrusion policies with access control rules or the default action.

The example in the diagram does not include any blocking or trusting rules because the system does not inspect blocked or trusted traffic.