Decoding, Normalizing, and Preprocessing: Network Analysis Policies

Without decoding and preprocessing, the system could not appropriately evaluate traffic for intrusions because protocol differences would make pattern matching impossible. Network analysis policies govern these traffic-handling tasks:

  • after traffic is filtered by Security Intelligence

  • after encrypted traffic is decrypted by an optional SSL policy

  • before traffic can be inspected by file or intrusion policies

A network analysis policy governs packet processing in phases. First the system decodes packets through the first three TCP/IP layers, then continues with normalizing, preprocessing, and detecting protocol anomalies:

  • The packet decoder converts packet headers and payloads into a format that can be easily used by the preprocessors and later, intrusion rules. Each layer of the TCP/IP stack is decoded in turn, beginning with the data link layer and continuing through the network and transport layers. The packet decoder also detects various anomalous behaviors in packet headers.

  • In inline deployments, the inline normalization preprocessor reformats (normalizes) traffic to minimize the chances of attackers evading detection. It prepares packets for examination by other preprocessors and intrusion rules, and helps ensure that the packets the system processes are the same as the packets received by the hosts on your network.


    In a passive deployment, Cisco recommends that you enable adaptive profile updates at the access control policy level, instead of inline normalization at the network analysis level.

  • Various network and transport layers preprocessors detect attacks that exploit IP fragmentation, perform checksum validation, and perform TCP and UDP session preprocessing.

    Note that some advanced transport and network preprocessor settings apply globally to all traffic handled by the target devices of an access control policy. You configure these in the access control policy rather than in a network analysis policy.

  • Various application-layer protocol decoders normalize specific types of packet data into formats that the intrusion rules engine can analyze. Normalizing application-layer protocol encodings allows the system to effectively apply the same content-related intrusion rules to packets whose data is represented differently, and to obtain meaningful results.

  • The Modbus, DNP3, CIP, and s7commplus SCADA preprocessors detect traffic anomalies and provide data to intrusion rules. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) protocols monitor, control, and acquire data from industrial, infrastructure, and facility processes such as manufacturing, production, water treatment, electric power distribution, airport and shipping systems, and so on.

  • Several preprocessors allow you to detect specific threats, such as Back Orifice, portscans, SYN floods and other rate-based attacks.

    Note that you configure the sensitive data preprocessor, which detects sensitive data such as credit card numbers and Social Security numbers in ASCII text, in intrusion policies.

In a newly created access control policy, one default network analysis policy governs preprocessing for all traffic for all intrusion policies invoked by the same parent access control policy. Initially, the system uses the Balanced Security and Connectivity network analysis policy as the default, but you can change it to another system-provided or custom network analysis policy. In a more complex deployment, advanced users can tailor traffic preprocessing options to specific security zones, networks, and VLANs by assigning different custom network analysis policies to preprocess matching traffic.


For an access control policy with rule action as Trust and a prefilter rule with action as Fastpath with logging options disabled, you will observe that the end-of-flow events are still generated in the system. The events are not visible on the management center event pages.