How to See What a Variable Will Return for a Device

An easy way to evaluate what a variable will return is to create a simple FlexConfig object that does nothing more than process an annotated list of variables. Then, you can assign it to a FlexConfig policy, assign the policy to a device, save the policy, then preview the configuration for that device. The preview will show the resolved values. You can select the preview text, press Ctrl+C, then paste the output into a text file for analysis.


Do not deploy this FlexConfig to the device, however, because it will not contain any valid configuration commands. You would get deployment errors. After obtaining the preview, delete the FlexConfig object from the FlexConfig policy and save the policy.

For example, you could construct the following FlexConfig object:

Following is a network object group variable for the 
IPv4-Private-All-RFC1918 object:


Following is the system variable SYS_FW_MANAGEMENT_IP:


Following is the system variable SYS_FW_ENABLED_INSPECT_PROTOCOL_LIST:


Following is the system variable SYS_FTD_ROUTED_INTF_MAP_LIST:


Following is the system variable SYS_FW_INTERFACE_NAME_LIST:


The preview of this object might look like the following (line returns added for clarity):

###Flex-config Prepended CLI ###

###CLI generated from managed features ###

###Flex-config Appended CLI ###
Following is an network object group variable for the 
IPv4-Private-All-RFC1918 object:


Following is the system variable SYS_FW_MANAGEMENT_IP:

Following is the system variable SYS_FW_ENABLED_INSPECT_PROTOCOL_LIST:

[dns, ftp, h323 h225, h323 ras, rsh, rtsp, sqlnet, skinny, sunrpc, 
xdmcp, sip, netbios, tftp, icmp, icmp error, ip-options]

Following is the system variable SYS_FTD_ROUTED_INTF_MAP_LIST:

[{intf_hardwarare_id=GigabitEthernet0/0, intf_ipv6_eui64_addresses=[], 
intf_ipv6_prefix_addresses=[], intf_subnet_mask_v4=, 
intf_ip_addr_v4=, intf_ipv6_link_local_address=, 

{intf_hardwarare_id=GigabitEthernet0/1, intf_ipv6_eui64_addresses=[], 
intf_ipv6_prefix_addresses=[], intf_subnet_mask_v4=, 
intf_ip_addr_v4=, intf_ipv6_link_local_address=, 

{intf_hardwarare_id=GigabitEthernet0/2, intf_ipv6_eui64_addresses=[], 
intf_ipv6_prefix_addresses=[], intf_subnet_mask_v4=, intf_ip_addr_v4=, 
intf_ipv6_link_local_address=, intf_logical_name=}, 

{intf_hardwarare_id=Management0/0, intf_ipv6_eui64_addresses=[], 
intf_ipv6_prefix_addresses=[], intf_subnet_mask_v4=, intf_ip_addr_v4=, 
intf_ipv6_link_local_address=, intf_logical_name=management}]

Following is the system variable SYS_FW_INTERFACE_NAME_LIST:

[outside, inside, management]