Passthrough Tunnels and Access Control

Plaintext (nonencrypted) tunnels can encapsulate multiple connections, often flowing between discontinuous networks. These tunnels are especially useful for routing custom protocols over IP networks, IPv6 traffic over IPv4 networks, and so on.

An outer encapsulation header specifies the source and destination IP addresses of the tunnel endpoints—the routed interfaces of the network devices on either side of the tunnel. Inner payload headers specify the source and destination IP addresses of the encapsulated connections' actual endpoints.

Often, network security devices handle plaintext tunnels as passthrough traffic. That is, the device is not one of the tunnel endpoints. Instead, it is deployed between the tunnel endpoints and monitors the traffic flowing between them.

Some network security devices enforce security policies using outer IP headers. Even for plaintext tunnels, these devices have no control over or insight into individual encapsulated connections and their payloads.

By contrast, the system leverages access control as follows:

  • Outer header evaluation—First, prefiltering uses outer headers to handle traffic. You can block or fastpath entire plaintext, passthrough tunnels at this stage.

  • Inner header evaluation—Next, the rest of access control (and other features such as QoS) use the innermost detectable level of headers to ensure the most granular level of inspection and handling possible.

    If a passthrough tunnel is not encrypted, the system acts on its individual encapsulated connections at this stage. You must rezone a tunnel (see Tunnel Zones and Prefiltering) to act on all its encapsulated connections.

Access control has no insight into encrypted passthrough tunnels. For example, access control rules see a passthrough VPN tunnel as one connection. The system handles the entire tunnel using only the information in its outer, encapsulation header.