Tunnel Zones and Prefiltering

Tunnel zones allow you to use prefiltering to tailor subsequent traffic handling to encapsulated connections.

A special mechanism is required because usually, the system handles traffic using the innermost detectable level of headers. This ensures the most granular level of inspection possible. But it also means that if a passthrough tunnel is not encrypted, the system acts on its individual encapsulated connections; see Passthrough Tunnels and Access Control.

Tunnel zones solve this problem. During the first phase of access control (prefiltering) you can use outer headers to identify certain types of plaintext, passthrough tunnels. Then, you can rezone those tunnels by assigning a custom tunnel zone.

Rezoning a tunnel allows other configurations—such as access control rules—to recognize all the tunnel's encapsulated connections as belonging together. By using a tunnel's assigned tunnel zone as an interface constraint, you can tailor inspection to its encapsulated connections.

Despite its name, a tunnel zone is not a security zone. A tunnel zone does not represent a set of interfaces. It is more accurate to think of a tunnel zone as a tag that, in some cases, replaces the security zone associated with an encapsulated connection.


For configurations that support tunnel zone constraints, connections in rezoned tunnels do not match security zone constraints. For example, after you rezone a tunnel, access control rules can match its encapsulated connections with their newly assigned tunnel zone, but not with any original security zone.

See Using Tunnel Zones for a brief walkthrough of a tunnel zone implementation, and a discussion of the implications of rezoning without explicitly handling rezoned traffic.

Configurations Supporting Tunnel Zone Constraints

Only access control rules support tunnel zone constraints.

No other configurations support tunnel zone constraints. For example, you cannot use QoS to rate limit a plaintext tunnel as a whole; you can only rate limit its individual encapsulated sessions.