Configuring SAML Authorization

About SAML Authorization

SAML authorization supports user attributes delivered in SAML assertions within the AAA and Dynamic Access Policy (DAP) frameworks. You can configure the SAML assertion attributes on the Identity Provider as name-value pairs which then parses as strings. The attributes received are made available to DAP so that they can be used when defining selection criteria within a DAP record. The SAML assertion cisco_group_policy is used to determine the Group Policy to be applied to the VPN session.

Dynamic Access Policy Attribute Representation

In the DAP table, the DAP attributes are represented in the following format: = "value” 

Example, aaa.saml.department = ”finance"

This attribute can be used in DAP selection as follows:


Multi-Valued Attributes

Multi-valued attributes are also supported in DAP and the DAP table is indexed : = "value” = "value"

Active Directory memberOf Attributes

The Active Directory (AD) memberOf attribute receives a special processing that is consistent with the way it is handled through an LDAP query.

Group names are represented by the CN attribute of the DN.

Example Attributes received from the authorization server:

memberOf = "CN=FTD-VPN-Group,OU=Users,OU=TechspotUsers,DC=techspot,DC=us"
 memberOf = "CN=Domain Admins,OU=Users,DC=techspot,DC=us”

Dynamic Access Policy attributes:

aaa.saml.memberOf.1 = "FTD-VPN-Group”
aaa.saml.memberOf.2 = "Domain Admins"

Interpretation of the cisco_group_policy Attribute

A group-policy can be specified by a SAML assertion attribute. When an attribute "cisco_group_policy" is received by the threat defense, the corresponding value is used to select the connection group-policy