Dynamic Intrusion Rule State Configuration

In the intrusion policy, you can configure a rate-based filter for any intrusion or preprocessor rule. The rate-based filter contains three components:

  • the rule matching rate, which you configure as a count of rule matches within a specific number of seconds

  • a new action to be taken when the rate is exceeded, with three available actions: Generate Events, Drop and Generate Events, and Disable

  • the duration of the action, which you configure as a timeout value

Note that when started, the new action occurs until the timeout is reached, even if the rate falls below the configured rate during that time period. When the timeout is reached, if the rate has fallen below the threshold, the action for the rule reverts to the action initially configured for the rule.

You can configure rate-based attack prevention in an inline deployment to block attacks, either temporarily or permanently. Without rate-based configuration, rules set to Generate Events do generate events, but the system does not drop packets for those rules. However, if the attack traffic matches rules that have rate-based criteria configured, the rate action may cause packet dropping to occur for the period of time that the rate action is active, even if those rules are not initially set to Drop and Generate Events.


Rate-based actions cannot enable disabled rules or drop traffic that matches disabled rules.

You can define multiple rate-based filters on the same rule. The first filter listed in the intrusion policy has the highest priority. Note that when two rate-based filter actions conflict, the action of the first rate-based filter is carried out.