Licenses for Container Instances

All licenses are consumed per security engine/chassis (for the Firepower 4100) or per security module (for the Firepower 9300), and not per container instance. See the following details:

  • Essentials licenses are automatically assigned: one per security module/engine.

  • Feature licenses are manually assigned to each instance; but you only consume one license per feature per security module/engine. For example, for the Firepower 9300 with 3 security modules, you only need one URL Filtering license per module for a total of 3 licenses, regardless of the number of instances in use.

For example:

Sample License Usage for Container Instances on a Firepower 9300

Firepower 9300



Security Module 1

Instance 1

Essentials, URL Filtering, Malware Defense

Instance 2

Essentials, URL Filtering

Instance 3

Essentials, URL Filtering

Security Module 2

Instance 4

Essentials, IPS

Instance 5

Essentials, URL Filtering, Malware Defense, IPS

Security Module 3

Instance 6

Essentials, Malware Defense, IPS

Instance 7

Essentials, IPS

Total Number of Licenses


URL Filtering

Malware Defense