Network Discovery Data Storage Settings

Discovery data storage settings include the host limit and timeout settings.

When Host Limit Reached

The number of hosts a Secure Firewall Management Center can monitor, and therefore store in the network map, depends on its model. The When Host Limit Reached option controls what happens when you detect a new host after you reach the host limit. You can:

Drop hosts

The system drops the host that has remained inactive for the longest time, then adds the new host. This is the default setting.

Don't insert new hosts

The system does not track any newly discovered hosts. The system only tracks new hosts after the host count drops below the limit, such as after an administrator increases the domain's host limit or manually deletes hosts from the network map, or if the system identifies hosts as timed-out due to inactivity.

Reaching the Host Limit with Multitenancy


Domain Host Limit Set?

Domain Host Limit Reached

Ancestor Domain Host Limit Reached

Drop hosts


Drops oldest host in the constrained domain.

Drops the oldest host among all descendant leaf domains configured to drop hosts.

If no host can be dropped, does not add the host.



Drops the oldest host among all descendant leaf domains configured to drop hosts and that share the general pool.

Don't insert new hosts

yes or no

Does not add the host.

Does not add the host.

Host Timeout

The amount of time that passes, in minutes, before the system drops a host from the network map due to inactivity. The default setting is 10080 minutes (one week). Individual host IP and MAC addresses can time out individually, but a host does not disappear from the network map unless all its associated addresses time out.

To avoid premature timeout of hosts, make sure that the host timeout value is longer than the update interval in the network discovery policy general settings.

Server Timeout

The amount of time that passes, in minutes, before the system drops a server from the network map due to inactivity. The default setting is 10080 minutes (one week).

To avoid premature timeout of servers, make sure that the service timeout value is longer than the update interval in the network discovery policy general settings.

Client Application Timeout

The amount of time that passes, in minutes, before the system drops a client from the network map due to inactivity. The default setting is 10080 minutes (one week).

Make sure that the client timeout value is longer than the update interval in the network discovery policy general settings.