Variable Set

Variables represent values commonly used in intrusion rules to identify source and destination IP addresses and ports. You can also use variables in intrusion policies to represent IP addresses in rule suppressions, adaptive profile updates, and dynamic rule states.


Preprocessor rules can trigger events regardless of the hosts defined by network variables used in intrusion rules.

You use variable sets to manage, customize, and group your variables. You can use the default variable set provided by the system or create your own custom sets. Within any set you can modify predefined default variables and add and modify user-defined variables.

Most of the shared object rules and standard text rules that the system provides use predefined default variables to define networks and port numbers. For example, the majority of the rules use the variable $HOME_NET to specify the protected network and the variable $EXTERNAL_NET to specify the unprotected (or outside) network. In addition, specialized rules often use other predefined variables. For example, rules that detect exploits against web servers use the $HTTP_SERVERS and $HTTP_PORTS variables.

Rules are more effective when variables more accurately reflect your network environment. At a minimum, you should modify default variables in the default set. By ensuring that a variable such as $HOME_NET correctly defines your network and $HTTP_SERVERS includes all web servers on your network, processing is optimized and all relevant systems are monitored for suspicious activity.

To use your variables, you link variable sets to intrusion policies associated with access control rules or with the default action of an access control policy. By default, the default variable set is linked to all intrusion policies used by access control policies.

Adding a variable to any set adds it to all sets; that is, each variable set is a collection of all variables currently configured on your system. Within any variable set, you can add user-defined variables and customize the value of any variable.

Initially, the system provides a single, default variable set comprised of predefined default values. Each variable in the default set is initially set to its default value, which for a predefined variable is the value set by the Talos Intelligence Group and provided in rule updates.

Although you can leave predefined default variables configured to their default values, Cisco recommends that you modify a subset of predefined variables.

You could work with variables only in the default set, but in many cases you can benefit most by adding one or more custom sets, configuring different variable values in different sets, and perhaps even adding new variables.

When using multiple sets, it is important to remember that the current value of any variable in the default set determines the default value of the variable in all other sets.

When you select Variable Sets on the Object Manager page, the object manager lists the default variable set and any custom sets you created.

On a freshly installed system, the default variable set is comprised only of the default variables predefined by Cisco.

Each variable set includes the default variables provided by the system and all custom variables you have added from any variable set. Note that you can edit the default set, but you cannot rename or delete the default set.


Importing an access control or an intrusion policy overwrites existing default variables in the default variable set with the imported default variables. If your existing default variable set contains a custom variable not present in the imported default variable set, the unique variable is preserved.