Troubleshooting LDAP Authentication Connections

If you create an LDAP authentication object and it either does not succeed in connecting to the server you select or does not retrieve the list of users you want, you can tune the settings in the object.

If the connection fails when you test it, try the following suggestions to troubleshoot your configuration:

  • Use the messages displayed at the top of the web interface screen and in the test output to determine which areas of the object are causing the issue.

  • Check that the user name and password you used for the object are valid:

    • Check that you have the rights to browse to the directory indicated in your base-distinguished name by connecting to the LDAP server using a third-party LDAP browser.

    • Check that the user name is unique to the directory information tree for the LDAP server.

    • If you see an LDAP bind error 49 in the test output, the user binding for the user failed. Try authenticating to the server through a third-party application to see if the binding fails through that connection as well.

  • Check that you have correctly identified the server:

    • Check that the server IP address or host name is correct.

    • Check that you have TCP/IP access from your local appliance to the authentication server where you want to connect.

    • Check that access to the server is not blocked by a firewall and that the port you have configured in the object is open.

    • If you are using a certificate to connect via TLS or SSL, the host name in the certificate must match the host name used for the server.

    • Check that you have not used an IPv6 address for the server connection if you are authenticating CLI access.

    • If you used server type defaults, check that you have the correct server type and click Set Defaults again to reset the default values.

  • If you typed in your base-distinguished name, click Fetch DNs to retrieve all the available base distinguished names on the server, and select the name from the list.

  • If you are using any filters, access attributes, or advanced settings, check that each is valid and typed correctly.

  • If you are using any filters, access attributes, or advanced settings, try removing each setting and testing the object without it.

  • If you are using a base filter or a CLI access filter, make sure that the filter is enclosed in parentheses and that you are using a valid comparison operator (maximum 450 characters, including the enclosing parentheses).

  • To test a more restricted base filter, try setting it to the base distinguished name for the user to retrieve just that user.

  • If you are using an encrypted connection:

    • Check that the name of the LDAP server in the certificate matches the host name that you use to connect.

    • Check that you have not used an IPv6 address with an encrypted server connection.

  • If you are using a test user, make sure that the user name and password are typed correctly.

  • If you are using a test user, remove the user credentials and test the object.

  • Test the query that you are using by connecting to the LDAP server and using this syntax:

    ldapsearch -x -b 'base_distinguished_name'
    -h LDAPserver_ip_address -p port -v -D
    'user_distinguished_name' -W 'base_filter'

    For example, if you are trying to connect to the security domain on using the user and a base filter of (cn=*), you could test the connection using this statement:

    ldapsearch -x -b 'CN=security,DC=myrtle,DC=example,DC=com'
    -h -p 389 -v -D
    '' -W '(cn=*)'

If you can test your connection successfully but authentication does not work after you deploy a platform settings policy, check that authentication and the object you want to use are both enabled in the platform settings policy that is applied to the device.

If you connect successfully but want to adjust the list of users retrieved by your connection, you can add or change a base filter or CLI access filter or use a more restrictive or less restrictive base DN.

While authenticating a connection to Active Directory (AD) server, rarely the connection event log indicates blocked LDAP traffic although the connection to AD server is successful. This incorrect connection log occurs when the AD server sends a duplicate reset packet. The threat defense device identifies the second reset packet as part of a new connection request and logs the connection with Block action.