Edit a Zero Trust Application Policy

You can edit the settings of a Zero Trust Application Policy, Application Group, or Application.


Step 1

Choose Policies > Access Control > Zero Trust Application

Step 2

Click Edit (edit icon) next to the Zero Trust Application Policy you want to edit.

Step 3

Edit your Zero Trust Application Policy.

You can change the following settings or perform these actions:

  • Name and Description—Click Edit (edit icon) next to the policy name, make your changes, and click Apply.

  • To modify the policy settings:

    • Click Settings

    • Modify the settings as required.


      Editing the domain name for the SAML ACS URL interrupts application access.

    • Click Save.

  • To modify the Application Group settings:

    • Click Applications.

    • Click Edit (edit icon) next to the Application Group you want to edit.

    • In each section, click Edit to modify the settings, as required


      Editing the Application Group name interrupts application access.

    • Click Apply after you modify the settings in a section.

    • Click Finish.

    • Click Save.

  • To modify the Application settings:

    • Click Applications.

    • Click Edit (edit icon) next to the Application you want to edit.

    • In each section, click Edit to modify the settings, as required.


      Editing the Application name interrupts application access.

    • Click Apply after you modify the settings in a section.

    • Click Finish.

    • Click Save.

  • To enable, disable, or delete multiple Applications, choose the Applications, click the required bulk action, and click Save.


    These actions are also available in the right-click menu.

    • To enable all Applications, click Bulk Actions > Enable.

    • To disable all Applications, click Bulk Actions > Disable.

    • To delete all Applications, click Bulk Actions > Delete.

  • Click Return to Zero Trust Application to return to the policy page.

What to do next

Deploy configuration changes. See Deploy Configuration Changes in the Cisco Secure Firewall Management Center Administration Guide.