Configure Standard ACL Objects

Use standard ACL objects when you want to match traffic based on destination IPv4 address only. Otherwise, use extended ACLs.


Step 1

Select Objects > Object Management and choose Access List > Standard from the table of contents.

Step 2

Do one of the following:

  • Click Add Standard Access List to create a new object.

  • Click Edit (edit icon) to edit an existing object.

Step 3

In the New Standard Access List Object dialog box, enter a name for the object (no spaces allowed), and configure the access control entries:

  1. Do one of the following:

    • Click Add to create a new entry.

    • Click Edit (edit icon) to edit an existing entry.

  2. For each access control entry, configure the following properties:

    • Action—Whether to Allow (match) or Block (not match) the traffic criteria.

    • Network—Add the IPv4 network objects or groups that identify the destination of the traffic.

  3. Click Add to add the entry to the object.

  4. If necessary, click and drag the entry to move it up or down in the rule order to the desired location.

    Repeat the process to create or edit additional entries in the object.

Step 4

If you want to allow overrides for this object, check the Allow Overrides check box; see Allowing Object Overrides.

Step 5

Click Save.