Convert from FlexConfig to Managed Feature

Each software release adds managed features to the product, that is, features that you configure directly through policies that are controlled outside of FlexConfig. This can deprecate FlexConfig commands that you are currently using; your configurations are not automatically converted. After the upgrade, you cannot assign or create FlexConfig objects using the newly deprecated commands. After upgrading software, examine your FlexConfig policies and objects.

When a feature you configured using FlexConfig starts to be supported as a managed feature, you must convert from using FlexConfig to using the managed feature. In most cases, your existing FlexConfig configurations continue to work post-upgrade and you can still deploy. However, in some cases, using deprecated commands can cause deployment issues. Configuring a feature in both the GUI and FlexConfig is not supported.


Use the migration tool instead of this procedure if the tool supports the feature configuration you are migrating.


Step 1

Remove the FlexConfig, as explained in Remove Features Configured Using FlexConfig.

Step 2

Configure the settings in the newly supported managed feature.

The release notes have a list of new features for the release.