Configure FlexConfig Text Objects

Use text objects in FlexConfig objects as the target of policy object variables. You can use variables to supply information that can be known only at runtime, or which can differ from device to device. During deployment, variables that point to text objects are replaced by the content of the text object.

Text objects contain free-form strings, which can be keywords, interface names, numbers, IP addresses, and so forth. The content depends on how you will use the information within a FlexConfig script.

Before creating or editing a text object, determine exactly what content you will need. This includes how you intend to process the object, which will help you decide between creating a single string or multiple string object. Read the following topics:


Step 1

Choose Objects > Object Management.

Step 2

Choose FlexConfig > Text Object from the list of object types.

Step 3

Do one of the following:

  • Click Add Text Object to create a new object.

  • Click Edit (edit icon) to edit an existing object. You are allowed to edit the predefined text objects, which is required if you intended to use the predefined FlexConfig objects.

Step 4

Enter a Name and optionally, a description for the object.

Step 5

(New objects only.) Choose a Variable Type from the drop-down list:

  • Single—If the object should contain a single text string.
  • Multiple—If the object should contain a list of text strings.

You cannot change the variable type after you save the object.

Step 6

If the variable type is Multiple, use the up and down arrows to specify a Count.

Rows are added or removed from the object as you change the number.

Step 7

Add content to the object.

You can either click in the text box next to a variable number and type in a value, or you can set up device overrides for each device that will be assigned a FlexConfig object that uses the text object. You can also do both, in which case the values configured in the base object act as default values in cases where an override does not exist for a given device.

When editing predefined objects, it is a good practice to use device overrides, so that the system defaults remain in place for other users who might need to use the object in different FlexConfig policies. The approach you take depends on the requirements of your organization.


Some predefined objects require multiple values where each value serves a specific purpose. Read the description text carefully to determine the expected values in the object. In some cases, the instructions specify that you must use overrides instead of changing the base values. In the case of enableInspectProtocolList, you are prevented from entering protocols whose inspection is incompatible with Snort inspection.

If you decide to use device overrides, do the following.

  1. Check the check box of Allow Overrides.

  2. Expand the Overrides area (if necessary) and click Add.

    If an override already exists for the device, click edit for the override to change it.

  3. On Targets in the Add Object Override dialog box, select the device for which you are defining values and click Add to move it to the Selected Devices list.

  4. Click Override, adjust the Count as needed, then click in the variable fields and type in the values for the device.

  5. Click Add.

Step 8

Click Save.

What to do next

  • If an active policy references your object, deploy configuration changes.