Create a Dynamic Access Policy Record

A dynamic access policy (DAP) can contain multiple DAP records, where you configure user and endpoint attributes. You can prioritize the DAP records within a DAP so that the threat defense can select and sequence the required criteria when a user attempts VPN connection.


Step 1

Choose Devices > Dynamic Access Policy.

Step 2

Edit an existing dynamic access policy or create a new one and then edit the policy.

Step 3

Specify the Name for the DAP record.

Step 4

Enter the Priority for the DAP record.

The lower the number, the higher the priority.

Step 5

Select one of the following actions to take when a DAP record matches:

  • Continue—Click to apply access policy attributes to the session.

  • Terminate—Select to terminate the session.

  • Quarantine—Select to quarantine the connection.

Step 6

Check the Display User Message on Criterion Match check-box and add the user message.

The threat defense displays this message to the user when the DAP record matches.

Step 7

Check the Apply a Network ACL on Traffic check-box and select the access control list from the drop-down.

Step 8

Check the Apply one or more Secure Client Custom Attributes check-box and select the custom attributes object from the drop-down.

Step 9

Click Save.